under constrution
Name:Ami (Tifa)
Nicknames: Tifa, Ams (long A), Ammers (not perferred >=p long A), Cutie (also NOT perfered >=p)
Age:13 years old
Sex: Female
Interested in: (in no specific order) sk8er guys...
the phone...hangin with friends...computers
Favorite Food: candy ^_^ (*sour belts- strawberry*)
Favorite Color(s): dark
except brown yuck...
Pets:a cat Sheba and a dog Sandi
Small Description:Well... I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm about 5'5". My weight will be unknown to all you out there
but I'm NOT fat. =p
Favorite Anime(s):
1. Sailor Moon - some anime fans dont like this one at all. I dont know why. But this is my top favorite because it just has a interesting storyline and an intricate plot(s). My favorite season is the 5th. (Stars)
1. Fushigi Yugi - Fushigi Yugi is just amazing. it has comedy, romance, and just about anything else you can think of all in one anime. it ties for my top favorite with sailor moon.
2. Tenchi the Movie: Tenchi Muyo in Love - this movie was very cool. Also one of my faves because the plot and charaters are awesome and I love the art ^_^
3. Ranma * - I absolutly love comedy. ^.~
Least Favorite Anime(s):
1. Pokemon - OMG i canot stand this kidish show
2. Dragon BallZ - argh I just cannot stand this one...its just the whole thing. BLEH!!
Favorite Anime Characters (Male):
1. Tamahome - he is so HOT! wah...why cant anime be real?!
2. Mamoru - Hes so romantic. only in a girls dreams.
Least Favortite Anime Characters(Male):
Favorite Anime Character (Female):
1. Miaka - fits my personality. eats alot a never gets fat, ditsy now an then, serious when needs to be, etc. my idol ^.~
2. Hotaru - she's just so awesome. thats all i have to say ^.~
Least Favorite Anime Character (Female):
Favorite Anime Creature :
1. Ryo-Ohki - THE most kawaii little thing in the history of anime. who does not have theyre Ryo-Ohki plush?! ^.~

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